Cooking, Community & Creativity for Overworked Adults

Pause the hustle and start nourishing yourself!

Every day you wake up with the pressure of being productive.

At first glance you’re managing the fast-paced life: You meet deadlines at work, rush to get the kids to and from all the after school activities and squeeze that workout in after work.   

But then you get home and it’s time to eat – not time to cook. The dread sets in ‘what’s for dinner?’  You look in your fridge…with only a few sad vegetables and a jar of mayo in there you feel like an overwhelmed kid.  

You wonder how everyone else makes cooking look so easy? For you cooking has always felt like a chore — something you’ve never been good at.  And the thought of failing is enough to make you run for take out.

Sure you can make toast or cook from boxes, but anything beyond that is intimidating. You’re tired of putting in the time and effort of making a meal which ends up disappointing and flavorless.

The kitchen just feels overwhelming. A place in your life where you never feel good enough.

What if I told you the kitchen could be your sanctuary?

Imagine the possibilities...

Imagine the possibilities...

Now, picture walking into the kitchen feeling a sense of calm

  • You open the fridge and see it’s full of colorful food that you picked out in advance.

  • You pour yourself a glass of wine and settle into a cooking pace that’s relaxing and peaceful.

  • You pull out a few pans, switch on the stove and know exactly what you need to do, saving precious time in the evenings so you can finally catch up on your favorite show.

  • You make a real home cooked meal that makes you feel like you’re a capable grown up.

  • You eat at home throughout the week, saving $100’s each month instead of paying for take out.

  • You can have your friends over for dinner and delight with them over a beautiful home cooked meal.

Slow Simmer was created to teach, support and guide overwhelmed home cooks just like you.

I can’t wait to meet you in the kitchen!

Your Cooking Guide

Hi there I’m 

Just like you I’ve been an expert at staying busy and working the hustle lifestyle. 

There was a time when I worked 3 jobs at once and felt like I needed to keep each minute productive.  However, every time I met one of my goals, another one would just pop up and I’d be stuck striving for the next shiny thing. Something had to give. I was exhausted.

I needed a way to feel accomplished and fulfilled without all the running around. So what was stopping me from doing activities that were more nourishing?

Let me tell you a story:

I always wanted to learn how to paint watercolors so I decided to take a 2-day painting workshop.  I went into class armed with brushes, paints, paper and a stomach full of nerves.  Then the teacher launched into a bunch of language I didn’t understand and said “now go to it—paint!” 

And just like that I had a FULL. BLOWN. PANIC ATTACK. complete with crying in front of the class and slinking away to the bathroom to calm down.

I realized that I was freaking out because I wasn’t used to being bad at a new thing. I mean if I was bad at something I just wouldn’t try it.  My perfectionism was standing in the way—I was afraid of failure – of making mistakes in order to learn a new skill.  

What I needed was support and guidance to work through my fears and insecurities in order to unleash my inner creativity. I had been so used to being good at what I knew and hustling to be the best that I was missing out on learning with others and the joy of creation. 


Cooking can manifest as joy as well.  And just like painting it’s a skill, one that you can learn one step at a time. 

I’m passionate about helping others slow down the hustle of perfection and start using cooking as a vehicle for living a richer life.

Being a home cook for over 20 years has taught me skills, tips and tricks to make cooking fun and relaxing. Together we’re going to break through the barriers that keep you hustling for perfection and help you marinate in creativity!

Cooking is no longer an overwhelming chore!

  • “Kristin changes the cooking experience by teaching basic skills that make the whole experience more efficient and fun! Kristin is warm and engaging, her class is not only about learning new skills but it also provides a community experience.”

    — Ruth H.

When you join Slow Simmer you’ll get

  • Once A Week Cook-alongs to practice cooking together in real time.  This way you can feel relaxed in your own kitchen and expand your skills with your own equipment.

  • Weekly Homework Assignments so you can practice trying out your skills during the week while having encouragement.

  • A Supportive Group Community with like-minded people.  Everyone is at a beginner level so you’ll feel encouraged and supported as your culinary skills emerge.

  • A 6-week Program designed to fit your busy schedule while also holding you accountable to slow the pace and focus on yourself.

  • Recorded Cooking Demos that will guide you step-by-step through kitchen skills.

  • Recipes with Grocery Ingredients List so you can focus on cooking not the stress of what goes into the cooking.

PLUS, this incredible bonus!

  • Meal Planning Guide to help you streamline your weekly meals.

“Kristin is GREAT at keeping the atmosphere relaxed.

She is helpful, creative, and playful!  Kristin joins you right where you are and helps you take the next step in your learning so that you will feel more confident and even enjoy yourself.  I can't recommend her enough!”

- Katie R.

"I’ve had great experiences working and learning from Kristin. Her personal passion really comes through in her teaching style and she's made me feel confident and willing to take risks, even if I wasn’t getting it right the first time around. 

She’s an exceptional communicator, and always found straightforward ways to demonstrate the “why” of a skill rather than just the “how."

-Suzanne B.

You might be thinking

“There’s no way I can slow down and focus on this right now”

I totally see you.  Busyness used to be my main identity and method of feeling worthwhile. Striving for accomplishment to feel good about yourself is baked into our culture! 

What Slow Simmer offers is a new container for you to achieve something different in your life—something more fulfilling and just for YOU. What would it be like to get out of your head and do something with your hands?  

The best part is that you don’t have to learn this on your own. Slow Simmer is intended to give you the flexibility to gain skills on your timeline while also gently reminding you to show up for yourself each week. 

You’ll be embraced by others in the same situation as yourself and supported every step of the way.

What’s On The Menu

This is YOUR year to reclaim the kitchen and SAVOR your evenings!

In just a few short weeks you could be whipping up easy dinners for yourself or your family and friends. 

You could be the one bringing tasty treats to your next book group and be the talk of the next dinner potluck.

Imagine having a house full of delicious smells after preparing a delicious meal.

Don’t wait to start creating your stress-free kitchen!

Payment Plans

Best Value


$497 USD

PLUS Pay in full bonus: Grocery Shopping Survival Guide

—efficient strategies to streamline grocery shopping.

Most Flexible


$249 USD

More Happy Cooks:

You can feel comfortable joining this course if you…

  • are a determined adult that wants to learn the basics of cooking and how to level up in the kitchen.

  • overachieve and need structure and accountability to reach your cooking goals

  • desire to intentionally make space for yourself and expand your skill set

  • want to work on your self-confidence and naturally strive for achievement.

  • have a place to cook (stove, hot plate) and basic kitchen supplies on hand such as a set of pots/pans and knives.

  • lack interest in learning to cook right now.

  • prefer a hands off approach to cooking and are not seeking group support for your cooking journey.

  • have a hard time making a commitment and sticking to a plan.  Or are not a linear thinker and don’t want a roadmap.

  • are already braising and deglazing like a pro–this course will likely be too basic for your experience.

  • don’t have access to a kitchen or equipment right now.

You should probably skip this course if you…


  • Not at all! This course is for all sorts of beginner cooks. You just need a space to cook in and an interest in learning–I’ll show you the rest!

  • Each week you’ll have a base recipe to learn from which will require a few ingredients. I provide an outline of which foods and in what quantities to buy to take out the guesswork.

  • YouTube is great for learning all kinds of things! What’s different about Slow Simmer is guidance and accountability. As well as support from other students just like yourself so you don’t have to learn in a vacuum.

  • The main goal of Slow Simmer is cooking skills which translate to any food that you make. However, most of the meals we will be cooking will have meat, dairy or gluten in the base recipe. We will discuss alternatives to switching out ingredients so you can learn to adjust the recipes to fit your needs.

  • Choosing to set aside time each week for 6 weeks is a gift to yourself and the reason I created this course.

    As for time commitment, each recorded cooking demo is around 30 min once a week and the cook-alongs are 1.5 hours. Homework assignments are as long as you want to practice but I’d recommend at least 30 minutes a week – just one meal!

    In total you can expect to spend 2-3 hours a week cooking during this course.

  • Making a commitment to yourself is so important and I want to make sure you are happy with the instruction you receive.

    The videos and cook-alongs are time spent with me so once you receive them they are non-refundable. However, if after the first 3 weeks of courses you are not completely satisfied I offer an opt-out of the second half. This means you’ll receive a refund of half of the total cost or opt out of your second month’s payment plan (depending on your payment package).

Now’s the time to take back the kitchen!

You deserve to feel accomplished in all areas of your life.

So why wait a moment longer? Hit pause on your busy life and start nourishing yourself.

COPYRIGHT © 2023 Kristin Tand | In the Kitchen with Kristin | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions

1020 SE 7th Ave. #14279, Portland, OR 97214, USA